Monday, June 1, 2009

The Things Kaitlyn Does: #1

On most holiday weekends on my block, you'll find me sitting in the middle of the street with my neighbors, enjoying good food, conversation, and more than a few refreshing beverages.  

Memorial Day was no exception this year.  

In order to try and avoid the worst of the hot, humid, South Texas weather typically brewing towards the end of Spring, we started the party this year rather late, at 6:30--late at least by Kaitlyn's standards.  

After running around for about 3 hours, Kaitlyn started getting cranky.  She started walking away from us down the middle of our dark residential street. 

At first I thought she was heading for the cones that were set up to route traffic around our little street soiree, but she kept walking. 

Jen started following and called her name. Without turning around, K just kept walking, throwing her hands up in the air as if to say "I've had enough". She walked all the way home, went into the house, straight to her room, took some clothes out of her pajama drawer, and waited for mom to put her to bed. 

She probably wrote in her diary the next day about how awful her parents are to keep her out so late.

Deadbeat parents.